Class | Description |
Add |
Takes an incoming signal (or signals in the multi-channel case) and adds
something (either a float value or another signal) to it (them).
AllpassFilter |
A simple all-pass filter with variable delay.
BiquadCustomCoeffCalculator |
BiquadCustomCoeffCalculator provides a mechanism to define custom filter
coefficients for a
BiquadFilter based on frequency and Q. |
BiquadFilter |
A simple implementation of a multi-channel biquad filter.
Change |
Outputs 1 if the input signal is increasing; -1 if it is decreasing; 0 if it
is the same.
Clicker |
A very simple
UGen that generates one click and then kills itself. |
Clip |
Clip constrains a signal within a range.
Clock |
A sample rate Clock.
CombFilter |
Implements a simple comb filter with both feed-forward and feed-back
Compressor |
A simple multi-channel dynamic range compression UGen.
CrossFade |
CrossFade is used to quickly crossfade between elements.
CrossoverFilter |
A multi-channel 4th-order Linkwitz-Riley crossover filter.
DelayData |
DelayData waits for a specified duration and then sends a DataBead message to
a receiver.
DelayEvent |
An abstract UGen that waits for a specified amount of time before "triggering"
(executing some code).
DelayTrigger |
A DelayTrigger waits for a specified duration and then notifies a receiver.
Delta |
Outputs the change in the input signal from the previous sample to the current one.
Drain |
Drain mixes grains of audio.
Envelope |
An Envelope generates a sequence of timed transitions (segments) between
values as an audio signal.
Function |
Function is an abstract class which can be quickly subclassed to make a custom
UGen on the fly. |
Gain |
Gain modifies the gain of a multi-channel audio signal.
Glide |
Simple UGen that ramps between given values over a given duration (e.g., for portamento).
GranularSamplePlayer |
GranularSamplePlayer plays back a
Sample using granular synthesis. |
IIRFilter |
An abstract class that provides methods for analyzing infinite impulse
response (IIR) filters.
IIRFilter.IIRFilterAnalysis |
A holder class for the various filter analysis data.
LPRezFilter |
A simple 2nd-order resonant low-pass filter optimized for single-channel
Maximum |
For each sample, outputs the maximum of its two inputs.
Minimum |
For each sample, outputs the minimum of its two inputs.
MonoPlug |
MonoPlug performs the simple task of channelling a single output from a multi-channel
UGen . |
MouseResponder |
A MouseResponder is a way of getting mouse input to control audio rate data.
Mult |
Takes an incoming signal (or signals in the multi-channel case) and
multiplies it with something (another signal or a float value).
MultiWrapper |
A generalized multi-channel wrapper for UGens.
NBitsConverter |
Converts a signal to have n-bits, useful for 8-bit synthesis.
Noise |
Noise generates white noise.
OnePoleFilter |
A simple one-pole filter implementation.
OscillatorBank |
An OscillatorBank sums the output of a set of oscillators with assignable frequencies and amplitudes.
Panner |
A simple panning object that takes a mono input and gives stereo output.
Phasor |
Produces a cycling linear ramp from 0 to 1, like the Phasor object in
Plug |
A simple UGen that just forwards its inputs to its outputs.
PolyLimit |
The Class PolyLimit is a mixer which can be used to keep a limit on the number of UGens connected to it.
RandomPWM |
A simple random-length pulse wave modulator.
RangeLimiter |
RangeLimiter forces a signal within the range [-1,1].
RecordToSample |
RecordToSample records audio into a writeable
Sample . |
Reverb |
A basic reverb unit with adjustable room size, high-frequency damping, and
early reflections and late reverb levels.
Calculates and outputs the RMS (root-mean-squares) power factor for a signal
over a given time frame.
SamplePlayer |
SamplePlayer plays back a
Sample . |
ScalingMixer |
ScalingMixer scales the gain of the signal at each input by the number of
UGen s connected to that input, passing the scaled signal to the corresponding output. |
SignalReporter |
An easy way to monitor a signal; useful for debugging signal chains.
Spatial |
A mixer for a speaker config in any number of dimensions (we haven't tested D>3 yet).
Static |
Static represents a
UGen with a fixed value. |
TapIn |
TapIn stores and serves sound data.
TapOut |
TapOut accesses a TapIn object to implement delays.
Throughput |
A simple UGen that just forwards its inputs to its outputs.
TrapezoidWave |
Generates a pulse-wave with adjustable duty cycle and "attack"/"decay"
WavePlayer |
WavePlayer iterates over wave data stored in a
Buffer . |
WaveShaper |
A simple wave-shaper.
ZeroCross |
Counts and outputs as a signal the number of zero crossings in its input
signal over a specified time frame.
ZMap |
Performs a simple linear map from one range of values to another.
Enum | Description |
BiquadFilter.Type | |
RandomPWM.Mode | |
RecordToSample.Mode | |
SamplePlayer.EnvelopeType |
Used to determine whether the SamplePlayer updates control values at
sample rate (
SamplePlayer.EnvelopeType.FINE ) or just every frame (
SamplePlayer.EnvelopeType.COARSE ). |
SamplePlayer.InterpolationType |
Used to determine what kind of interpolation is used when access samples.
SamplePlayer.LoopType |
Used to determine which kind of loop the sample player will use.
TapOut.InterpolationType |